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This is (for) 40 (and 20 plus)

What was your favoirte thing about Knocked Up? The unrealistic love story, or the realistic sister and her relatable family situation? …That’s what I thought.

Director and writer of 40-year Old Virgin, and Pinapple Express, Judd Apatow, has a new project branching off his 2007 comedy Kocked Up. This is 40 is a spin off from about Debbie and Pete. You might remember the characters from the film, Pete was the jerk husband who secretly went to fantasy baseball meetings and Debbie was the paraniod mother who says whatever is on her mind.  

The film takes a look at the couple and their decisions to enhance their lives, now that they are reaching 40. Knowing that this is a Judd Apatow film, audiances can take comfort that this won’t be a film directed at one generation. This isn’t the next ‘Something’s Gotta Give’.  

The solid cast will draw in audiences from all generations. Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann (Judd Apatow’s wife) are a dream duo. Also in the film is the halarious Jason Segel from I Love You, Man and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Bridesmaids Melissa McCarthy, and apperiences from Chris O’Dowd and Megan Fox.

The film will hit thearters this Christmas, the perfect time for married couples to laugh at themselves. Don’t be surprised when you see all ages of people in the seats next to you, because this film has flair.

This IS 40