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Let’s Be Cops [MOVIE REVIEW]

Let's Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops is like that friend you have that is overly predictable, yet you love being around them. Watching this film in a semi crowded theater had the audience filling the room with honest laughter from beginning to end. It was the first time in a long time where I watch a comedy that was balanced with jokes and one liners throughout. And yes, if you like New Girl, you will love this film.

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr.  star in a film that centers around two best friends that tried to ‘make it’ in LA after college, yet had too many flaws holding themselves back. In a moment of boredom and recently discovered old age they decided to act as cops, with finding all the benefits and excitement that comes with wearing the badge. Deciding to keep it up the soon find themselves in real LAPD trouble. The experience helps them find their true calling and overcome their flaws to rekindle their friendship (what a surprise).

I have read some reviews that are not so good about this film. I was just glad it wasn’t another slapstick, or an hour and a half movie of dick jokes. There was friendly chemistry and extended scenes that were worthy of talking about on the car ride home. It is not a Lethal Weapon 5, the film carries its own humor. The plot was simple and there wasn’t a big twist or shocking ending, but it was a feel good ab cruncher. Sometimes the flair in a film is being fresh, its  not like everything else we’ve been watching. I am glad that they used Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans, this will be a starter comedy for both actors as they come into their own. That way we dont have to wait for James Franco and Seth Rogan to come out with a new comedy, and we can again have a varity in our laughter choices.

Lights, Camera, Rain!

What is so wholesome and yet uncontrollable; so scary yet it can still your nerves? Rain. A natural element that can flood our hearts. Rain has been used as a symbolism in various cinematic plots. Rain like the sugar in your coffee, it gives it that sweetened satisfaction that compliments its purpose.

Breakfast at Tiffany's final scene

Breakfast at Tiffany’s final scene

When you think of movie moments with rain some truly impressionable scenes come to mind. It is safe to say that Breakfast at Tiffany’s might not have been so stamped in our minds if in the finally scene Holly and Paul were searching for Cat on a sunny day. The film built up so much transformation between the characters that when Holly was finally stripped down to her most vulnerable and forced to believe that someone could love her as who she truly was, it had to rain. It made all the sense in the world to finalize that love story under a moment of cleansing and revealing truth.

Can't hide from the rain...

Can’t hide from the rain…

In many films love is truly confessed in the rain. The Notebook is a current classic example of rain symbolizing true vulnerability. There wasn’t umbrellas in that scene for a reason. No hiding from the person you really love. Years of built up questions and unclear closure resulted in a moment of desire and deliveries the appearance of reality.

Rain not only represents the moment one confess their love for another, but also popular in moments of change. In literature, Jane Austen used rain to signify a plot twist. A classic example is in Pride and Prejudice when Elizabeth confronts Mr. Darcy about the letter she received in regards to Mr. Darcy changing Mr. Bingley’s mind about Elizabeth’s sister Jane. What made that moment so impactful for an audience was because Elizabeth for once had a change of heart for Mr. Darcy, believing that she might have found her intellectual match. In that moment she had to selflessly shove down her feelings to be the outspoken sister she always was.

Changes or plot twist gain momentum in audience’s emotional connection to characters and happy endings. Such as in the Twilight Saga New Moon when there was suspected a love interest with Bella and Jake. Bella’s few flickering moments of happiness had once again been taken from her and she decided to confront Jake. We know he has a special place in the story, but he isn’t replacing Edward. At the pivotal moment Bella confronts Jake, it rains, after realizing that ‘he isn’t good for her anymore’ a werewolf is introduced into a vampire love triangle.

Be yourself!

Be yourself!

Rain has the ability to flood out the masks one uses to hide behind. Other times rain can be used to give a sense of freedom to a character. That natural element of uncontrollable freedom. It is used slightly in Crazy, Stupid, Love when Hannah is sick of being perfect and decides that she need ‘that guy at the bar’. Leaving her comfortable congratulatory party she daringly marches into the bar to unveil herself to Jacob. Which in return the dirty deeds are on hold while Jacob turns the tables and changes his routine. Thank you rain, for allowing Jacob and Hannah to be themselves.

Freedom comes with a cup of coffee and some rain.

Freedom comes with a cup of coffee and some rain.

Besides the liberation from ones personality, what about freedom from society, cultural boundaries or prison. Talking about movie scenes in the rain we cannot forget about Shawshank Redemption. The moment we understand Andy had a plan to escape and is now free of the world that wronged him for years. In that moment rain was a friend. It cleansed Andy of all that went wrong, it comforted him in a moment of true escape. Rain was the sugar in Andy’s coffee.

Of course there are many impactful cinematic moments where rain influenced our hearts and flattered our taste in plot climaxes. We could go on to dissect the films not mentioned, instead let’s celebrate the moments that use rain to contribute that unforgettable flair in film. While rain plays a part in unmasking characters, falling in love, and introduce plot twists, it also puts the aww in our hearts and embroiders characters into our souls, and that is why rain is such a powerful flair in so many monumental movie moments.

Humor from All Corners

***Everyone has a particular flair of humor they admire. I believe that your style of humor comes from how you were raised, your roots. Personally I like awkward situations. Here is a story of my family that would explain my fondness for sarcastic and ironic comedy.

Mo, my Godmother. We are serious about sports!

My parents moved to Ocala, Florida when I was two to help my Grandmother who was sick at the time. Before Florida My parents lived in a small apartment in Connecticut. The thing to do in New England 80% of the year is watch sports. In New England people are loud, obnoxious, and intense about their sports team.
As we moved to Florida my father kept that tradition going, not missing a Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, or Patriot game. This was something my Mother had to deal with. The yelling at the TV as if it would help, the pushups between plays to get pumped up, and the moving of furniture for breathing room during the intense parts of the game.
One sunny day in the suburbs of Ocala, my father watches a Patriot game. My Grandmother and Mother not phased by the noise, I guess I, the two year old, wasn’t either. At about half time there is a knock at the door. My mother answers and the Police are there. They ask her to step outside, and if there was anyone else in the house. My Mothers curiosity on her face concerned the cops. Then my Father stepped outside to see what was going on. The police drew a gun on him and asked him to step back! My Mother’s eyes enlarged as my Dad’s chest filled with air due to nervousness of the situation. The Police asked my Mother to step towards them and away from ‘the man.’
They told my Mother not to be scared that everything would be ok because they are here now. My Mother asked ‘Why are you here?’ They said they received numerous phone calls about yelling and screaming from this house, and the neighbors thought that there was a domestic abuse situation. My Mother decided to play along. She covered her face, out of embarrassment and laughter. My Father says ‘OH COME ON! I was watching a football game!’ Still with guns raised one officer grabs my mother, and says ‘We can take him on ma’am he wont bother you again.’ My Mother raised her eyebrow looking at my Father. ‘Don’t you dare, Jackie’ Says my Father.
Then elegantly my Grandmother steps outside, with laughter, telling the police officers that this was a misunderstanding. If anyone is abusive in the house its her, not my Father. The police put away their guns, and my Mother invites them in.
12 years later when my parents decide to build their dream home in Florida, it is on 3 acres, with very thick walls. These days when the Patriots are on we all join in the passion of yelling, screaming, and moving furniture. It’s one reminder of home.

What is it in your roots that develop your sense of humor?

Radcliffe Finding His Flair

Radcliffe in The Woman in Black

Daniel Radcliffe is Harry Potter. Radcliffe has been under the incredibly large limelight of J.K. Rowling’s masterpiece for 10 years.  How can an actor escape? Are Radcliffe’s fans his or do they remain loyal exclusively to Harry Potter?

In order to independently establish a singular fan base for himself Radcliffe must ease his way out of Hogwarts and into more films. The audience needs to notice Radcliffe’s flair in a film, without Potter being a guide. As of now Radcliffe is ‘flair-less’ because Harry Potter holds a strong clientele that supports it’s unique style in a majestic world.

Curious to see what Radcliffe’s next project is?

The Woman in Black will be released in February 2012. Director James Watkins, a fresh face to the horror department, will be sure to leave a lasting impression having Daniel Radcliffe tackling the leading role with this thriller-drama. The movie includes a captivating ghost story that a lawyer discovers while investigating a woman’s death.

Is this film, for Radcliffe, enough to linger away from the Harry Potter world while keeping an already firmly mark footprint in the film industry? Will his impression fade and just become a memory in this generations childhood?

This is a the risk that many actor must take in their careers in order to get where they want to be. Some are content being just being ‘that guy who played that character in those films’. Others like Daniel Radcliffe, jump, and continue to establish their flair.

For Radcliffe and millions of fans, the Potter series is coming to a close. His career now has a chance to leap into greatness. Harry Potter could be Radcliffe’s trampoline and catapult him into other movie opportunities, or it could be his one hull-a-hoop and fall after 10 years of managing that one great moment.