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Let’s Be Cops [MOVIE REVIEW]

Let's Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops is like that friend you have that is overly predictable, yet you love being around them. Watching this film in a semi crowded theater had the audience filling the room with honest laughter from beginning to end. It was the first time in a long time where I watch a comedy that was balanced with jokes and one liners throughout. And yes, if you like New Girl, you will love this film.

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr.  star in a film that centers around two best friends that tried to ‘make it’ in LA after college, yet had too many flaws holding themselves back. In a moment of boredom and recently discovered old age they decided to act as cops, with finding all the benefits and excitement that comes with wearing the badge. Deciding to keep it up the soon find themselves in real LAPD trouble. The experience helps them find their true calling and overcome their flaws to rekindle their friendship (what a surprise).

I have read some reviews that are not so good about this film. I was just glad it wasn’t another slapstick, or an hour and a half movie of dick jokes. There was friendly chemistry and extended scenes that were worthy of talking about on the car ride home. It is not a Lethal Weapon 5, the film carries its own humor. The plot was simple and there wasn’t a big twist or shocking ending, but it was a feel good ab cruncher. Sometimes the flair in a film is being fresh, its  not like everything else we’ve been watching. I am glad that they used Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans, this will be a starter comedy for both actors as they come into their own. That way we dont have to wait for James Franco and Seth Rogan to come out with a new comedy, and we can again have a varity in our laughter choices.