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Ebert to Spielberg

Movie fans have become critics. Critics have become the voice to the film maker rather than an opinion to the audience. Yet film makers are still film makers. I have myself written many reviews and thought that I could be a critic one day. The truth is I do not want to have the job to tell another artist that their film lacks flair because they broke a rule of film making. I want to understand why they made the scene they did, how they chose the actors, I want to learn about the film makers imagination to have a better understanding of the art they created.

Me, my producer, and cast at 2013 LYS Film Festival

Me, my producer, and cast at 2013 LYS Film Festival

I have myself written a few storyline and scripts. I am not an Oscar winner but I did have a film win the Best ‘E’ for Everyone short at the 2013 Love Your Shorts Film Festival in Central Florida. It was an amazing feeling having people appreciate your ideas and connect with your story. The best part was people asking the hows and they whys about your film making experience. It is a rush and a high greater than any other. Since I have written and directed my own film, I have seen different perspectives on films and what really puts the flair in them. I have been inspired by others and I read more reviews to gain a wide range of perception on the artist behind the camera.

I am going on a journey to writing a new script, and directing a new short. I am going to put a lot of emotion into this film and I want to invite you on this journey. I will begin to document on this blog where my inspirations are coming from and the how and where I am within the film making experience. If you follow the blog for reviews or fun ideas, keep on following because the ride is about to turn into a rollercoaster. Lets journey the experience together whether you are a Ebert or a Spielberg.