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Hungrier During Thanksgiving! [Mockingjay Part 1 Movie Review]

On a scale from Go see it now to wait for it on Netflix. I would give Mockingjay Part 1 wait for the sequel.

The movie is packed with captivating drama, intimate chemistry among the actors, depressing storyline, and pointless climax. Normally within the first 20 minutes of any ordinary film you will get the plot line, twist, and know where it is headed. The back story will have explained itself and most of the audience will become engaged with the story. For Mockingjay, the producers didn’t really think about the flow of the storyline at all. It was like they gave you half of a Thanksgiving dinner, yea I know what ingredients are on the plate but can I finish eating so I am satisfied?

Mockingjay Part 1

Mockingjay Part 1

For true fans, of course we are going to spent $50 on our date night to go see this film. That is why they can get away with taking the first half of the film and end it at its first major twist. There was not one moment in the film where we felt hopeful. Not one moment that showed a sign of winning the war. Couldnt you at least ended the film on a high note? You can make a horrible film and if the last 10 minutes are amazing, the audience will forgive you. Mockingjay Par 1 couldn’t even deliver anything more than feeling like you need to take a Xanax. At least The Twilight Saga gave us something to look forward to at the end of Braking Dawn Part 1. This is my disappointment in Hollywood. They split the film into two unnecessary films in order to double or even triple their profits. Well good for you. You got me, twice! But I am not happy about it, and now I have to wait for part 2 to feel any kind of hope for Katniss! End rant.

The only flair in this film is the worst anticipation for a sequel ever. Maybe this is how the director/storyteller wants us to feel. Completely depressed so that way we all run to the box office again next year to find President Snow 6 feet deep. My advice to you is to watch Hunger Games and Catching Fire for another year, and on Thanksgiving 2015 watch Mockingjay part 1 just before you buy your tickets for part 2 in theaters. This way the film will have some type of satisfaction.

Stay Loyal to Your Taste

So what if you are 26 and love Disney movies! Who cares that you like to watch Rocky Horror during Christmas time? Go on and make a list of unseen black and white films that no one will watch with you. Over the years that I have fallen in love with films and I have noticed that it is always a common denominator in conversations with me. I have a tendency to love all types of film from the action packed B-movie, to the musical, to the cult followings of Tarantino. I opened myself up to watching anything and everything people suggested. Some I have realized I will never watch again (Requiem for a Dream or Splice), while others I have embarrassed into my vast range of favorites (Pulp Fiction or The Big Labowski).

One of my biggest pet peeves as an admirer of film for me is those who knock down a movie based on its category. Just because it is a musical doesn’t mean you will hate it. You might come to find that there is a particular story that gains your interest behind the songs. Or that the humor behind the predictable love stories in chick flicks actually tickles your soul. Classics, Comedy, Rom Com, Chick Flicks, Action Movies, Horrors, all types of films that are someones favorite and someone else hates.

I’m not saying to go out there and watch every movie you were ever initially turned off by. I am saying to appreciate the value that film maker put into their films. You have a particular taste in movies that you enjoy watching. Being open-minded is important but embarrassing and sharing your love for your genera is a lot more fun. I force my Dad to watch musicals all the time. He acts like he hates them, and he always will. That is ok because every time I see a musical that I know he would appreciate the simple fact that I force him to watch it with me. And lets just say that is the only time I get to say ‘I told you so’ to my Father.

Personally, I love the blockbusting tweenie trilogies like Hunger Games. I will go to a midnight showing! My mother and I did read the Twilight Saga and dressed in our best PJ’s to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2. Hold on tight to what you love about movies and go out of your comfort zone to see what else is out there. Movies are full of stories, emotions, artistic values, and creative actions that unite its viewers. Never again be misunderstood based on your taste. Value your loyalty and the commitment to other film lovers and their genres. Every film has its flair, all are loved by someone. Don’t be ashamed of your flair.