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Starting with the Climax

In the early stages of film writing… actually before the film writing even begins… I day-dream about ideas and inspirations around me. I tend to think about one big moment and place a unique character in that moment. I begin imagine how that moment would play out. If it is a fight between friend, I start to think why are they fighting. If it is an escape from prison, why was he in prison? I give the moment all the details that I can think of and I rush to jot it down so I don’t forget because that moment will be the climax of my story.

Director and writer of Mirimax 2007 Gone Baby Gone, Ben Affleck

Director and writer of Mirimax 2007 Gone Baby Gone, Ben Affleck

If you watch a movie with a big twist, lets use the example of the film Gone Baby Gone, [SPOILER ALERT] The huge twist at the end of the film reveals many built up emotions to the audience that has you contemplating with the character and his girlfriend what is considered right and what is wrong in today’s world. I honestly believe that the writers started with that idea. What if this happened in real life? What side would you take? Then they shaped the whys and developed the characters. To make the climax truly explode on-screen there must be a smart and very thought out plot line. Starting with the climax gives you the ability to build the surrounding plot to continuously play into the climax. It is such a beautiful moment when your mind starts adding on moments, and storyline, and character backgrounds to intensify that one previously imagined moment.

Currently writing out the timeline for my film. I am excited to develop the characters background, flashbacks, and put the whys behind the characters decisions. I love writing coming to age films because I think it is important for young adults to find who they are and follow their hearts and heal their pasts.  I starting thinking about how I never ran away from home as a child, so why do kids run away? With that idea I created my climax for my film and decided how to build up to that moment. The climax will make or break the way an audience views your story, so make it shine and take your time putting all the surrounding pieces together to hold it up. The climax can very easily be the flair in your film just have to write the plot that gives it that spark!

Top 10 Films to Watch for During Oscar Season

The moment you realize the holidays are around the corner is the moment you realize it is Oscar Season. Most of the movies that are entering theaters between August and December are usually advertising to be in the Oscar running in February. Entering the season are the top 10 films to look out for:

Foxcatcher- Directed by Bennett Miller. In theaters November 14. The film is gaining buzz on the acting standpoint, anytime you see actors go further than their comfort zone in an Oscar buzzing film you will see the possibility for the Academy recognizing their efforts. The film is based on a true story (only to bring more attention to the Academy) about the Olympic wrestler Mark Schultz and his sponsor. Starring Steve Carell, Channing Tatum, Anthony Michael Hall, Mark Rufallo.

Boyhood-  Directed by Richard Linklater. This film is most defiantly been on watch for years. Sorry Avatar but Boyhood has been in the making for 12 years, using the same actors and watching them age. The story is about a boy from age 5 to 18 years old. The film is the first of its kind and has more authentication then any film ever made. Already nabbed best Picture, Actress, and Director in Seattle’s Film Festival. ONly more to come from the star-studded cast. Starring Ethan Hawk, Ellar Coltrane, and Patricia Arquette.

The Grand Budapest HotelDirected by Wes Anderson. A film about a concierge and lobby boy who become good friends at the legendary hotel. The film is a Anderson Classic with humor and his regular cast. The film has won the Silver Berlin Bear at the Berlin Film festival. Anderson does not fall short with his witty humor or attention to detail. This is a must see for this years Oscars. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jude Law, Edward Norton, Jason Schwartzman, and the list goes on. 

Gone Girl- Directed by David Fincher. The film is based on Gillian Flynn novel, about a mans who is the center of attention in his wifes disappearance. Fincher has directed many mind-blowing suspense films including Oscar-winning Social Network, and Emmy Winning House of Cards. This film has the attention of audiences for its twist and darkness, and has the Academy looking right at Affleck and Fincher for acting and directing. Dont let us down!  Starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, and Neil Patrick Harris

InterstellarDirected By Christopher Nolan. Batman in space. Just kidding. This film is about the experience explorers take toward a newly discovered worm hole. So it is Gravity meets Armageddon. An intense action film in space with all the wonderful actors and new film technology you could want. The film is a buzz because of its originality and having Nolan’s name on it doesn’t hurt. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain.

Mr. Turner Directed by Mike Leigh. Timothy Spall will most likely get nominated for best actor already winning Cannes Film Festival 2014 for his role as British Painter Mr. turner. Spall has played some iconic characters in such films as Harry Potter and Sweeny Todd.  Now he has his chance to express range as he reenact the life of. Leigh has been nominated 7 times for an Oscar, so maybe Mr. Turner will turn number 8 into some luck. defiantly a film on your watch list this Oscar season. Starring Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, and Dorothy Atkinson.

Unbroken- Director Angelina Jolie. The film tells the story of another Olympic star, Louis Zamperini, who in World War II was taken prisoner by the Japanese. And no one can deny that they aren’t slightly interested in seeing Jolie’s directing skills. The Film is currently in post production. the Oscar buzz is not far away with the Coen brothers having written the screen play, you can be sure to find a poetic and symbolic story line.  Starring Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, and Jai Courtney.

Big Eyes- Director Tim Burton. Amy Adams plays Margaret Keane the 1950’s painter who was famous for her painting of a eyeless girl. Burton has had many nominations and well as Adams, seven together but no wins yet. Many are excited to see the collaboration come to life. The film has not yet been released. Also starring Krysten Ritter, and Oscar Winner Christoph Waltz.

Into the Woods- Directed by Rob Marshall. A Disney musical brought to life with an Oscar-winning cast such as Johnny Depp, Anna Kendrick, Emily Blunt, and the forever queen of the Oscars  Meryl Streep. They made a movie from the depths of storytelling, a lot like ABC’s Once Upon A Time series, the film mends different fairytale plots together. The costume design, music, and directing skills will be buzzing in the next few months, Academy can you hear it?

Fault in Our Stars- Directed by Josh Boone. Shailene Woodley is certainly a top candidate for best actress this year, if not for this film it will be for White Bird in the Blizzard. This film is defiantly a fan favorite among a younger audience, as well as a buzzing feed for the Academy. Anytime a plot has a current social dilemma and love together you will see the flair, and the nominations for Oscars flowing in. This film has all the flair to be on the must watch Oscar ballet list.


Watch out for these films as they come out for rental or come to a theater near you. These are sure to have great true story line plots, intense twist, and amazing acting as they all will be in the running for February’s Oscars.