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Inspired by a True Story

Inspiration can come in many forms. When you really look at the root cause of inspiration is boils down to a question. Our imagination explodes on the verge of answering that question. It is comical how many movies are made from being inspired by true events. We have a curiosity about how things can really be or why things happen. There is a story behind each event. The events that we are most inquisitive about are the ones that become movies.  These ‘true events’ usually are surrounded by someone who is challenging a questions or in search of an answer.  Here are 5 types of ‘inspired by a true story’ films with the root question that the film challenges.

The WOW factor – Did that really happen? So what you are telling me is he cut his own arm off? Wait a minute, he was the only Navy Seal to survive that ambush? Gangsters are real? When the extraordinary occurs we tend to tune into the news and try to gather the facts. Then we become curious and we wonder what it would be like to live in that life, be in that moment, to be pushed beyond humanistic emotion. Many great films have been flared up by the wow factor of a true story. 127 hours, Lone Survivor, Goodfellas, Erin Brockovich, and The Awakenings. If you want to be wowed in a moment of unbelievable reality. These are the movies to watch.

Moments in Sports – What is the real story behind that championship? What was going on in that athletes life when this happened? Why does Jamaica have a bob sled team? Someone walked onto an NFL team during an open tryout… and started?!? Sports inspire us all, to fight harder, to be passionate, to bound with others and establish union without team mates. Some of the best sports films are based on true stories because as an audience we can relate to the real life moment of that event and gain more of an emotional connection to the players and the inspiration behind that game. If you want to get your team pumped before a great game watch Rudy, Miracle, Invincible, Invictus, The Fighter, or even Moneyball. The morals behind sports are greater than whats just shown on the field.

Against all odds – How did they become successful? So you are telling me he was homeless with a child and is now a millionaire, how? Someone really abandoned their entire life to hitch-hike to Alaska? We love to see the underdog win. We root for the cinderella in ever story. It reminds us that there is always room to be better. IF you need to get inspired to beat the odds, or you need to just humble yourself to the reality of what success really takes in this world watch Erin Brockovich, Into the Wild, Man of Honor, The pursuit of Happyness, or The Social Network.

Truth behind the politics – How did Scotland defend their freedom from England? What really happened during Watergate? How did people fight, survive, and live during the Holocaust? History is in our DNA. We carry the past with us as we create the future. There is a story that goes deeper than the text books we read in school. Sometimes we just need to see the other perspective in the story. Or our curiosity takes over and we want to know the scandel behind the headlines. To get more in-depth on historical events that will tug on your heart and put a tear in your eye, watch Schindler’s List, Braveheart, Argo, All the President’s Men, Inglorious Bastard, Good Night and Good Luck.

Behind the Scene – How did they make that movie?  What happened in space during Apollo 13?  Why did Selena die so young? What si sit about Queen Elizabeth that makes her so famous? We might know the movie, know the star but how much do we really know? We have always been curious in the reality of movie stars to the point that now we have reality stars. When you love someones work you want to know and love their life as well. For a movie that digs deep into a celebrity or famous movie watch Apollo 13, Selena, Elizabeth, Saving Mr. Banks, Ray, or Walk the Line.


Soap in Your Soup: Part 2

One of the beauties of film is its allowance for a range of passions to be expressed. Directors can have a passion for taking something on paper and creating the most enlightening way to expose that story. Actors, on the other hand, have a passion for engulfing themselves into becoming another person and accurately delivering the purpose of that character onscreen. Writers have the privilege of taking a thought and molding it to establish a films foundation and purpose. Then there is that special occasion when an actor, writer, or directed drift into another role in the film world. They fall in love with a story to the point that they can’t trust anyone else to deliver the job justice, they must do it themselves. In Part 1 of Soap in Your Soup we revealed multitasking musicians who have become actors. Part 2 will be discovering the all-time greats, and the upcoming actors that take on the role of director, wearing many hats on one project.

Some of the classic comedies we find are flavored with a particular style. Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Charlie Chaplin, when you hear these names originality comes to mind. Each one of those gentleman have mastered the craft of directing and acting in their own films. Together they have made this task look easy, they have challenged the following generations to go to a higher standard of film making. Of course Allen, Brooks, and Chaplin had particular themes and central ideas in all of their films, but what has newer actor/director combos done?

Kevin Costner – Starring and directing Dances with Wolves won him an Oscar for Best Director, Best Picture and a nomination for Best Actor. Kevin Costner turned down the offer for the squeal because he believed it would ruin the original movie, knowing it could never measure up to all that he put into the original

George Clooney – More then just one occasion has Clooney honored us with his many talents. In 2005 not only writing but also making his directoral start with Good Night and Good Luck, nominated for 6 Acadeny Awards. Clooney played Fred Friendly, a man hiding his marraige from the news studio where he so fought to obtain its objectivism. Clooney knew it was just the begining of his love for being behind the camera. He also starred and directed Leatherheads, and Ides of March.

Jamers Franco – Franco is known to dive into many projects at once, currently in the Broadway musical Of Mice and Men, an artist, author, soap star (yes, ABC’s General Hospital) and film professor at NYU. Known mostly for his acting, James Franco has also dove into the role of wearing three hats in his film As I Lay Dying, he adapted the screen play, directed, and starring in. Franco might be spread thin, but his films do not lack character.

Ben Affleck – Sadly dispointing for not wining Best Director for his 2012 film Argo, Affleck has a major fan base on both the acting, but more directing stand point. Argo was just one of many films where Affleck has been both behind the scene as well as the star. With best friend Matt Damon they together wrote and starred in Good Will Hunting with recently passed Robin WIlliams. Not to mention the ‘to close to home’ film The Town.  Affleck has a nack for directing intense escape films, as well as writing a heart warming stories of a poor geniuses, and acting as a regreting bank robber.

Joseph Gorden-Levitt – Recently unvieled his first writing , directing, and starring in film opposite Scarrlett Johansson and Julianne Moore in Don Jon. Definately a film to be proud of, Don Jon breaks bounderies with creating stapel character with unchangable characteristics and watching them develop into something less culterally acceptable but more gratiying and fufilling. Just look past all the masterbation.

Multi-taskers can often lose sight of important tasks at hand becasue they are spread so thin. But for these entrepreneurs who go all in with directing and starring in their own films, well that is just a over achiever, a dreamer and doer. Look at Sylvester Stallone, one of the best all-time action film writers. His start to fame with Rocky is an inspriation to many writers. After writing the scrpit Stallone refused offers from major film producers because he wouldn’t settle without being the star of the film. That is dedication to your project. A new up and coming director is the heart throb Ryan Gosling, who will soon release River Lost, a film about a boy who finds a secret town under water. Even though Gosling is not starring in the film, it is his first take on writing a directing. Down the road we might find our next Clooney or Affleck. These fellas on and off screen have proven they can provide film with flair, and that it is possible to multi-task without getting soap in your soup.