Category Archives: Now Playing

The Interview about The Interview

As we all know The Interview has been yanked! Pulled! Put on the shelf! The film seemed to have a very captivating story line. No boy meets girl crap, more like B list celebrities killing a dictator. Who else could pull off such a comedy other than two freaks and geeks. (see what I did there) To no surprise the film was just to close to home for America and North Korea. I don’t blame Sony at all for not releasing the film in theaters. Why not just do another Pineapple Express! That movie had a lot of comedic flair, where as The Interview seemed to have too much flair… (don don tushhh). As we sit back and watch the media blow this situation way out of proportion I say lets hear it from the horse’s mouth or settle for Rogan and Franco’s mouths.

When I was a freshman in high school there was a senior that stood out in my drama class. How dis he stand out you ask? Well one he was hilarious but two I had a class with a senior. As long as we have been Facebook friend I have seen him do videos, live shows, and even was in the film Rock of Ages. You can say our small home town is pretty proud of him. I encourage all of you to check him out! Shane Harline  or Wooden Steel Productions!

We all can have a love for film but it is even cooler to share it with someone who lives it!

Top 10 Christmas Films

We all love to get cozy by the television in our seasonal pajamas and hold our hold cocoa and watch a film filled with Christmas flair, I mean Christmas Spirit. It fills our heart with joy and laughter on our faces. It is an exciting time of year, everything is flavored like fresh-baked cookies, or peppermint. Candles smells like grandmas house, and the fresh mine sent from the Christmas tree. What a wonderful time of year. The best way to round off a year is to snuggle up with your loved ones and dive into some classics.

Scrooged_soundtrack[1]10) Scrooged – 1988 – Bill Murray stars in this film as a TV Executive who doesn’t care that it is Christmas. But as we all love to watch the transformation throughout the film as Murray’s character travels in time with three spirits that change his heart.



appleindex[1]9) Love Actually – 2003 – Celebrity packed film stuffed with heart warming and heart breaking emotions. During the holiday season 8 couples play out their love lives in London, England. everyone’s favorite chick flick.


isc080booklet.indd8) Jingle All the Way– 1996 – Sinbad and Schwarzenegger play in a silly but classic family fun film. A man who works more than he plays is forced to keep his promise on Christmas and find his son the ultimate Turbo Man action figure. A great way to get the entire family laughing together.


the-polar-express[1]7) The Polar Express – 2004 – Tom Hanks stars in an animated film packed with music, fun, and Christmas spirit. A doubtful boy goes on a train on Christmas Eve that is headed to the north pole. A classic tale of seeing is believing.

5d4f6f42276b16734fb60709e674e63382730ab5[1]6)The Santa Clause – 1994 – Even though it is a trilogy nothing beats Tim Allen as the original Santa Clause. This film shows how no one, including adults believe in Santa, until one many takes his job and transforms in front of everyone himself in to the good ‘ol Saint Nick.



nightmaregraphic[1]5) Nightmare Before Christmas – 1993 – Tim Burton’s classic animated clay figures come to life to tie in 2 of America’s favorite holiday’s. Fun for all ages to enjoy, Jack will always be the King of Halloween but he can also have the Christmas Spirit.


home-alone-home-alone-2258019-1024-768[1]4) Home Alone – 1990 – A John Hughes and Christopher Columbus blockbuster classic. Home alone introduced us to the world of Macaulay Culkin, everyone’s favorite 90’s kid where he is stuck at home away from his family for the holiday’s and he has to fight off two robbers.

elf[1]3) Elf – 2003 – Over a decade old but one of Will Ferrell best. Buddy the Elf is actually a human, and on his way from the North Pole down to NYC to find his real Dad and on the way helps Santa with his sleigh by helping everyone believe again! “IM SINGING…”


itsawonderfullife-email[1]2) Its A Wonderful Life– 1946 – You don’t truly understand what you have until its gone, that is what this film teaches us. It is important to count your blessings and know that where you are is where you are supposed to be. Oh and don’t forget that every time you hear a bell… an angle gets his wings!

Christmas-Story-Extended-Front-Large[1]1) A Christmas Story – 1983 – The ever so hilarious tale of a young boy and his odd ball family. Forever will getting your tongue stuck on a pole, and leg lamps be famous. This film showed us the beauty in dysfunctional families and that is why it is everyone’s favorite film. Poor Ralphie.

Hungrier During Thanksgiving! [Mockingjay Part 1 Movie Review]

On a scale from Go see it now to wait for it on Netflix. I would give Mockingjay Part 1 wait for the sequel.

The movie is packed with captivating drama, intimate chemistry among the actors, depressing storyline, and pointless climax. Normally within the first 20 minutes of any ordinary film you will get the plot line, twist, and know where it is headed. The back story will have explained itself and most of the audience will become engaged with the story. For Mockingjay, the producers didn’t really think about the flow of the storyline at all. It was like they gave you half of a Thanksgiving dinner, yea I know what ingredients are on the plate but can I finish eating so I am satisfied?

Mockingjay Part 1

Mockingjay Part 1

For true fans, of course we are going to spent $50 on our date night to go see this film. That is why they can get away with taking the first half of the film and end it at its first major twist. There was not one moment in the film where we felt hopeful. Not one moment that showed a sign of winning the war. Couldnt you at least ended the film on a high note? You can make a horrible film and if the last 10 minutes are amazing, the audience will forgive you. Mockingjay Par 1 couldn’t even deliver anything more than feeling like you need to take a Xanax. At least The Twilight Saga gave us something to look forward to at the end of Braking Dawn Part 1. This is my disappointment in Hollywood. They split the film into two unnecessary films in order to double or even triple their profits. Well good for you. You got me, twice! But I am not happy about it, and now I have to wait for part 2 to feel any kind of hope for Katniss! End rant.

The only flair in this film is the worst anticipation for a sequel ever. Maybe this is how the director/storyteller wants us to feel. Completely depressed so that way we all run to the box office again next year to find President Snow 6 feet deep. My advice to you is to watch Hunger Games and Catching Fire for another year, and on Thanksgiving 2015 watch Mockingjay part 1 just before you buy your tickets for part 2 in theaters. This way the film will have some type of satisfaction.

Top 10 Films to Watch for During Oscar Season

The moment you realize the holidays are around the corner is the moment you realize it is Oscar Season. Most of the movies that are entering theaters between August and December are usually advertising to be in the Oscar running in February. Entering the season are the top 10 films to look out for:

Foxcatcher- Directed by Bennett Miller. In theaters November 14. The film is gaining buzz on the acting standpoint, anytime you see actors go further than their comfort zone in an Oscar buzzing film you will see the possibility for the Academy recognizing their efforts. The film is based on a true story (only to bring more attention to the Academy) about the Olympic wrestler Mark Schultz and his sponsor. Starring Steve Carell, Channing Tatum, Anthony Michael Hall, Mark Rufallo.

Boyhood-  Directed by Richard Linklater. This film is most defiantly been on watch for years. Sorry Avatar but Boyhood has been in the making for 12 years, using the same actors and watching them age. The story is about a boy from age 5 to 18 years old. The film is the first of its kind and has more authentication then any film ever made. Already nabbed best Picture, Actress, and Director in Seattle’s Film Festival. ONly more to come from the star-studded cast. Starring Ethan Hawk, Ellar Coltrane, and Patricia Arquette.

The Grand Budapest HotelDirected by Wes Anderson. A film about a concierge and lobby boy who become good friends at the legendary hotel. The film is a Anderson Classic with humor and his regular cast. The film has won the Silver Berlin Bear at the Berlin Film festival. Anderson does not fall short with his witty humor or attention to detail. This is a must see for this years Oscars. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jude Law, Edward Norton, Jason Schwartzman, and the list goes on. 

Gone Girl- Directed by David Fincher. The film is based on Gillian Flynn novel, about a mans who is the center of attention in his wifes disappearance. Fincher has directed many mind-blowing suspense films including Oscar-winning Social Network, and Emmy Winning House of Cards. This film has the attention of audiences for its twist and darkness, and has the Academy looking right at Affleck and Fincher for acting and directing. Dont let us down!  Starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, and Neil Patrick Harris

InterstellarDirected By Christopher Nolan. Batman in space. Just kidding. This film is about the experience explorers take toward a newly discovered worm hole. So it is Gravity meets Armageddon. An intense action film in space with all the wonderful actors and new film technology you could want. The film is a buzz because of its originality and having Nolan’s name on it doesn’t hurt. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain.

Mr. Turner Directed by Mike Leigh. Timothy Spall will most likely get nominated for best actor already winning Cannes Film Festival 2014 for his role as British Painter Mr. turner. Spall has played some iconic characters in such films as Harry Potter and Sweeny Todd.  Now he has his chance to express range as he reenact the life of. Leigh has been nominated 7 times for an Oscar, so maybe Mr. Turner will turn number 8 into some luck. defiantly a film on your watch list this Oscar season. Starring Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, and Dorothy Atkinson.

Unbroken- Director Angelina Jolie. The film tells the story of another Olympic star, Louis Zamperini, who in World War II was taken prisoner by the Japanese. And no one can deny that they aren’t slightly interested in seeing Jolie’s directing skills. The Film is currently in post production. the Oscar buzz is not far away with the Coen brothers having written the screen play, you can be sure to find a poetic and symbolic story line.  Starring Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, and Jai Courtney.

Big Eyes- Director Tim Burton. Amy Adams plays Margaret Keane the 1950’s painter who was famous for her painting of a eyeless girl. Burton has had many nominations and well as Adams, seven together but no wins yet. Many are excited to see the collaboration come to life. The film has not yet been released. Also starring Krysten Ritter, and Oscar Winner Christoph Waltz.

Into the Woods- Directed by Rob Marshall. A Disney musical brought to life with an Oscar-winning cast such as Johnny Depp, Anna Kendrick, Emily Blunt, and the forever queen of the Oscars  Meryl Streep. They made a movie from the depths of storytelling, a lot like ABC’s Once Upon A Time series, the film mends different fairytale plots together. The costume design, music, and directing skills will be buzzing in the next few months, Academy can you hear it?

Fault in Our Stars- Directed by Josh Boone. Shailene Woodley is certainly a top candidate for best actress this year, if not for this film it will be for White Bird in the Blizzard. This film is defiantly a fan favorite among a younger audience, as well as a buzzing feed for the Academy. Anytime a plot has a current social dilemma and love together you will see the flair, and the nominations for Oscars flowing in. This film has all the flair to be on the must watch Oscar ballet list.


Watch out for these films as they come out for rental or come to a theater near you. These are sure to have great true story line plots, intense twist, and amazing acting as they all will be in the running for February’s Oscars.

Let’s Be Cops [MOVIE REVIEW]

Let's Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops is like that friend you have that is overly predictable, yet you love being around them. Watching this film in a semi crowded theater had the audience filling the room with honest laughter from beginning to end. It was the first time in a long time where I watch a comedy that was balanced with jokes and one liners throughout. And yes, if you like New Girl, you will love this film.

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr.  star in a film that centers around two best friends that tried to ‘make it’ in LA after college, yet had too many flaws holding themselves back. In a moment of boredom and recently discovered old age they decided to act as cops, with finding all the benefits and excitement that comes with wearing the badge. Deciding to keep it up the soon find themselves in real LAPD trouble. The experience helps them find their true calling and overcome their flaws to rekindle their friendship (what a surprise).

I have read some reviews that are not so good about this film. I was just glad it wasn’t another slapstick, or an hour and a half movie of dick jokes. There was friendly chemistry and extended scenes that were worthy of talking about on the car ride home. It is not a Lethal Weapon 5, the film carries its own humor. The plot was simple and there wasn’t a big twist or shocking ending, but it was a feel good ab cruncher. Sometimes the flair in a film is being fresh, its  not like everything else we’ve been watching. I am glad that they used Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans, this will be a starter comedy for both actors as they come into their own. That way we dont have to wait for James Franco and Seth Rogan to come out with a new comedy, and we can again have a varity in our laughter choices.

Soap in Your Soup: Part 1

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

It has been said that multi-taskers are also slackers. Seems like an oxymoron, but in actuality they are never giving their full attention to just one task. Splitting their attention to numerous jobs individually only concludes into lacking results. You can’t expect a gourmet Italian meal is the chef is stirring the sauce while simultaneously washing dishes, you’d have soap in your soup.

In film we have many types of multi-taskers, there are those who go all in on one project; yet do every job possible, people that write, direct, and star in their own films. Then you have the cross project gurus who work on multiple projects at one time. In part one of this two part multi-tasking venue the focus is directed toward those who cross over from the world of music into film. Is it more than star power that drives these multi-taskers? Or is it forced behind the scenes to sell a face in every industry possible.

The number one epic fail of film transitions for a vocal artist goes too… you guessed right, Mariah Carey!!! Glitter was rated in IMDB’s worst movies of all-time list. OUCH! Now it wasn’t all Ms. Carey’s fault, there was bad writing and directing to complement Carey’s unchaining on screen performance. Then again after years off-screen she appeared in Precious, where by surprised she shocked everyone with the depth and realistic principles she brought to her character. What a bounce back! Kudos to you Mariah! Some transition fails are not so lucky to have a comeback on screen. Sometimes the momentum of a fasted famed star can only result into a train wreck. From Justin to Kelley was the musical that was to bring competitive show contestants into multi-talented movie stars! The producers must have forgotten the multi-talented part. Kelley Clarkson was just learning how to handle her first record or how to be in the spotlight at all. While Justin Guarini was trying to hang on to whatever 15 minutes of fame he had left on his stopwatch. A disastrous summer musical was not the answer. Gladly producers Simon Fuller and John Agoglia realized or else we would be talking about From Clay to Ruban. Thankfully Kelley Clarkson never dipped into the multi-tasking world of music and film again, and that is why her rocking music is so successful.

At times we can put down one project to focus on another before returning to our original endeavors. There are many who have done well with this multi-tasking technique. Jennifer Lopez had a semi successful music career before going into film. Her motivation for success led her to soften our hearts as the Maid in Manhattan, displayed strength in Enough, and made us weep as Selena. Being so consistent in film, she again has drifted back to the music world. The film industry has open arms for the cross over star. Even though this pretty face has suffered some bad criticism, audiences love seeing Justin Timberlake on screen. His natural charm and humor sour off the screen and coat our inner NSYNC craved child. Behind a microphone on stage or on SNL, Justin has a way to make us fall in love with him over and over again.

Only if there was a hall of fame for super stars. The greatest actors to transition from music are ones some of us have forgotten about their past vocal talents because their impressions come from the amazing presentations on screen. Mark Wahlberg, once a boy band member, now an action hero super star in the third Transformers film. He has also given justice to his humorous side with TED and The Other Guys. Some people might miss Marky Mark, but others are glad he has cap sized in film. Will Smith, forever our Fresh Prince, but now will always be the man who can make anyone want to give their heart away. He humbled us in Pursit of Happyness and had us laughing in Hitch, he is an actor no doubt after watching his performance in Ali. Jennifer Hudson, Oscar winner, and will never be in someone else’s spotlight again. She can handle both music and film well, she is the pure American dream. The number one all time successful multi-tasker is Barbra Streisand with an Oscar for Best Actress in Funny Girl, and 10 Grammy Awards, no one holds a candle to this Guilt Trip gem.

There is no shame in travelling into the unknown, or pushing your talent boundaries. When you are engraved with a talent you embrace it. The lesson here is to go for it, but know there is a chance one can fail miserably and learn that you can try again later. Others might find passion in two worlds and navigate according to a true calling. Or you may never look back at what brought you to where you are and master the art of leading a multi-tasking career. Honor those who can avoid the criticism and hardship of getting soap in their soup.

Lights, Camera, Rain!

What is so wholesome and yet uncontrollable; so scary yet it can still your nerves? Rain. A natural element that can flood our hearts. Rain has been used as a symbolism in various cinematic plots. Rain like the sugar in your coffee, it gives it that sweetened satisfaction that compliments its purpose.

Breakfast at Tiffany's final scene

Breakfast at Tiffany’s final scene

When you think of movie moments with rain some truly impressionable scenes come to mind. It is safe to say that Breakfast at Tiffany’s might not have been so stamped in our minds if in the finally scene Holly and Paul were searching for Cat on a sunny day. The film built up so much transformation between the characters that when Holly was finally stripped down to her most vulnerable and forced to believe that someone could love her as who she truly was, it had to rain. It made all the sense in the world to finalize that love story under a moment of cleansing and revealing truth.

Can't hide from the rain...

Can’t hide from the rain…

In many films love is truly confessed in the rain. The Notebook is a current classic example of rain symbolizing true vulnerability. There wasn’t umbrellas in that scene for a reason. No hiding from the person you really love. Years of built up questions and unclear closure resulted in a moment of desire and deliveries the appearance of reality.

Rain not only represents the moment one confess their love for another, but also popular in moments of change. In literature, Jane Austen used rain to signify a plot twist. A classic example is in Pride and Prejudice when Elizabeth confronts Mr. Darcy about the letter she received in regards to Mr. Darcy changing Mr. Bingley’s mind about Elizabeth’s sister Jane. What made that moment so impactful for an audience was because Elizabeth for once had a change of heart for Mr. Darcy, believing that she might have found her intellectual match. In that moment she had to selflessly shove down her feelings to be the outspoken sister she always was.

Changes or plot twist gain momentum in audience’s emotional connection to characters and happy endings. Such as in the Twilight Saga New Moon when there was suspected a love interest with Bella and Jake. Bella’s few flickering moments of happiness had once again been taken from her and she decided to confront Jake. We know he has a special place in the story, but he isn’t replacing Edward. At the pivotal moment Bella confronts Jake, it rains, after realizing that ‘he isn’t good for her anymore’ a werewolf is introduced into a vampire love triangle.

Be yourself!

Be yourself!

Rain has the ability to flood out the masks one uses to hide behind. Other times rain can be used to give a sense of freedom to a character. That natural element of uncontrollable freedom. It is used slightly in Crazy, Stupid, Love when Hannah is sick of being perfect and decides that she need ‘that guy at the bar’. Leaving her comfortable congratulatory party she daringly marches into the bar to unveil herself to Jacob. Which in return the dirty deeds are on hold while Jacob turns the tables and changes his routine. Thank you rain, for allowing Jacob and Hannah to be themselves.

Freedom comes with a cup of coffee and some rain.

Freedom comes with a cup of coffee and some rain.

Besides the liberation from ones personality, what about freedom from society, cultural boundaries or prison. Talking about movie scenes in the rain we cannot forget about Shawshank Redemption. The moment we understand Andy had a plan to escape and is now free of the world that wronged him for years. In that moment rain was a friend. It cleansed Andy of all that went wrong, it comforted him in a moment of true escape. Rain was the sugar in Andy’s coffee.

Of course there are many impactful cinematic moments where rain influenced our hearts and flattered our taste in plot climaxes. We could go on to dissect the films not mentioned, instead let’s celebrate the moments that use rain to contribute that unforgettable flair in film. While rain plays a part in unmasking characters, falling in love, and introduce plot twists, it also puts the aww in our hearts and embroiders characters into our souls, and that is why rain is such a powerful flair in so many monumental movie moments.

Top 5 Romantic Book-to-Film Adaptation

“While we look to the dramatist to give romance to realism, we ask of the actor to give realism to romance.” -Oscar Wilde

Audiences love the epic, once in a life time, happy ever after, conquer all, bleeding love type of romance. We find the perfect heart throbbing love in literature and film. The final ‘seal the deal’ on a great romance is the realistic take, or the believability factor.

When researching book-to-film adaptations I kept these concepts in mind. A book can give you every detail about the story between two lovers, but when the story hits the big screen the director must reveal the journey and adventure in two hours, and the actors must portray the emotions of the characters perfectly aligning with the ideas set in place in the literature. Much goes into play with a romance adaptation. These 5 films, in my opinion, conquer all factors in an epic romance that flow from paper to film.

5. Bridget Jones Diary (2001)- Novel by Helen Fielding.  Starring Colin Firth and Renee Zellweger. This film demonstrates a personal and comedic look at how romance can come when one might just not be looking. The realistic take on the story is that this very average woman takes a vow to change herself, and in the process finds love. The ideas are so relate-able, and delivers a sense of romantic hope for the average woman.

4. Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961)- Novel by Truman Capote. Starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard. The beauty of the love story here is that both characters live in an unrealistic world to escape their fears of facing their true selves. Director Blake Edwards carefully builds the friendship between the characters of the film and symbolism to expose the theme of facing ones true self. This journey leads to one unforgettable monumental kiss in the rain.

3. Brokeback Mountain (2005)- Short story by Annie Proulx. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger.  A unique romance is what pulls in the audience, to gain an understanding of how far love can go. This film we can truly say brings to light the Oliver Wilde quote, “…dramatist to give romance to realism, we ask of the actor to give realism to romance.”

2. Wuthering Heights (2011)- Novel by Emily Bronte. Directed by Andrea Arnold. A new interpretation of the classic dark romance by Emily Bronte. Many people are ready for this film to be released in theaters in the US this year.  The film not only expresses the truth behind the revenge and romance in the underlining story but Arnold does this with such grace shown through beautiful breathtaking imagery that tells the story so poetically, just as this novel deserves.

1. Pride & Prejudice (2005)- Novel by Jane Austen. Starring Keira Knightley  and  Matthew Macfadyen. By far an iconic love and recently iconic film. Fans of Jane Austen can be refreshed to know that this version of the story is true to the dialogue and the beauty of the book. Director Joe Wright had such innovative ideas on camera angles and scenery that highlighted the demanding honesty that is demonstrated in the novel.

As we fall in love with a romantic novel, the story itself provides that flair we love. It gains more independence when a director can establish truth and express the beauty we first fall in love with when reading the book. As the actors provide a realistic and relate-able feel, we gather more love and appreciation for the romance itself when it can be accurately displayed on film. These 5 films have all the flair you could ask for in the perfectly executed book-to-film romance.

Top 5 2011 Summer Bluckbusters… So Far

Everyone is looking for that one movie this summer that will define their vacation, first date, girls night out, lonely self exploring time, whatever. SO FAR the top five summer blockbusters for 2011 are:

1) The Hangover Part II– Grossing 85.9 million so far. This is the guys night out kind of definition.

2) Kung Fu Panda 2– This is no original Jack Black comedy, this is epic, the next Shrek. Grossing over 47 million, so far.

3) Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides They are not done yet, and apparently fans are still attached to Jack Sparrow because this film grossed over39 million, so far.

4) Bridesmaids- Grossed over 16 million, being the definistion of a girls night out… or any one getting married…

5) Thor– Grossed over 9 million, not so good for all the hype and Dr Pepper ads, still in the top 5, so far.

Great summer films with the right amount of flair make the money to atay in our box offices. If your film hasn’t arrived yet no worries. Film with Flair will keep you posted on the ones that just might catch your eye.

‘Black Swan Your Mind’

Movies can be so intense that it can redefinition many situations.

“I have to pee like Saebiscuit!” replaced the saying “I have to pee like a race horse!” This became a word changer after the movie Seabiscuit was released in 2003.

Movies can also have an effect to our daily lingo by adding an original saying to the mix.

“Why so serious?” is used in everyday conversation as for asking “Why are you so sad today?” This coming from The Dark Knight released in 2008.

What about the saying “That blew my mind!” …


“That blew my mind!” will be replaced with “I just got Black Swaned.”

This movie had a simple plot that was narrated in a way that distorted your comprehension of the tale of Swan Lake. Made you cringe and question the outcome. The connection between Swan Lake and Nina Sayer (played by Natlie Portman) in the movie can be easily detected, but director Darren Aronofsky makes you second guess yourself until Nina’s lasts words are spoken.

What is another movie that you can say “Blew your mind?” Inception? Shutter Island?

Comment your reply.