Category Archives: movie thoughts

The Interview about The Interview

As we all know The Interview has been yanked! Pulled! Put on the shelf! The film seemed to have a very captivating story line. No boy meets girl crap, more like B list celebrities killing a dictator. Who else could pull off such a comedy other than two freaks and geeks. (see what I did there) To no surprise the film was just to close to home for America and North Korea. I don’t blame Sony at all for not releasing the film in theaters. Why not just do another Pineapple Express! That movie had a lot of comedic flair, where as The Interview seemed to have too much flair… (don don tushhh). As we sit back and watch the media blow this situation way out of proportion I say lets hear it from the horse’s mouth or settle for Rogan and Franco’s mouths.

When I was a freshman in high school there was a senior that stood out in my drama class. How dis he stand out you ask? Well one he was hilarious but two I had a class with a senior. As long as we have been Facebook friend I have seen him do videos, live shows, and even was in the film Rock of Ages. You can say our small home town is pretty proud of him. I encourage all of you to check him out! Shane Harline  or Wooden Steel Productions!

We all can have a love for film but it is even cooler to share it with someone who lives it!

Top 10 Christmas Films

We all love to get cozy by the television in our seasonal pajamas and hold our hold cocoa and watch a film filled with Christmas flair, I mean Christmas Spirit. It fills our heart with joy and laughter on our faces. It is an exciting time of year, everything is flavored like fresh-baked cookies, or peppermint. Candles smells like grandmas house, and the fresh mine sent from the Christmas tree. What a wonderful time of year. The best way to round off a year is to snuggle up with your loved ones and dive into some classics.

Scrooged_soundtrack[1]10) Scrooged – 1988 – Bill Murray stars in this film as a TV Executive who doesn’t care that it is Christmas. But as we all love to watch the transformation throughout the film as Murray’s character travels in time with three spirits that change his heart.



appleindex[1]9) Love Actually – 2003 – Celebrity packed film stuffed with heart warming and heart breaking emotions. During the holiday season 8 couples play out their love lives in London, England. everyone’s favorite chick flick.


isc080booklet.indd8) Jingle All the Way– 1996 – Sinbad and Schwarzenegger play in a silly but classic family fun film. A man who works more than he plays is forced to keep his promise on Christmas and find his son the ultimate Turbo Man action figure. A great way to get the entire family laughing together.


the-polar-express[1]7) The Polar Express – 2004 – Tom Hanks stars in an animated film packed with music, fun, and Christmas spirit. A doubtful boy goes on a train on Christmas Eve that is headed to the north pole. A classic tale of seeing is believing.

5d4f6f42276b16734fb60709e674e63382730ab5[1]6)The Santa Clause – 1994 – Even though it is a trilogy nothing beats Tim Allen as the original Santa Clause. This film shows how no one, including adults believe in Santa, until one many takes his job and transforms in front of everyone himself in to the good ‘ol Saint Nick.



nightmaregraphic[1]5) Nightmare Before Christmas – 1993 – Tim Burton’s classic animated clay figures come to life to tie in 2 of America’s favorite holiday’s. Fun for all ages to enjoy, Jack will always be the King of Halloween but he can also have the Christmas Spirit.


home-alone-home-alone-2258019-1024-768[1]4) Home Alone – 1990 – A John Hughes and Christopher Columbus blockbuster classic. Home alone introduced us to the world of Macaulay Culkin, everyone’s favorite 90’s kid where he is stuck at home away from his family for the holiday’s and he has to fight off two robbers.

elf[1]3) Elf – 2003 – Over a decade old but one of Will Ferrell best. Buddy the Elf is actually a human, and on his way from the North Pole down to NYC to find his real Dad and on the way helps Santa with his sleigh by helping everyone believe again! “IM SINGING…”


itsawonderfullife-email[1]2) Its A Wonderful Life– 1946 – You don’t truly understand what you have until its gone, that is what this film teaches us. It is important to count your blessings and know that where you are is where you are supposed to be. Oh and don’t forget that every time you hear a bell… an angle gets his wings!

Christmas-Story-Extended-Front-Large[1]1) A Christmas Story – 1983 – The ever so hilarious tale of a young boy and his odd ball family. Forever will getting your tongue stuck on a pole, and leg lamps be famous. This film showed us the beauty in dysfunctional families and that is why it is everyone’s favorite film. Poor Ralphie.

Stay Loyal to Your Taste

So what if you are 26 and love Disney movies! Who cares that you like to watch Rocky Horror during Christmas time? Go on and make a list of unseen black and white films that no one will watch with you. Over the years that I have fallen in love with films and I have noticed that it is always a common denominator in conversations with me. I have a tendency to love all types of film from the action packed B-movie, to the musical, to the cult followings of Tarantino. I opened myself up to watching anything and everything people suggested. Some I have realized I will never watch again (Requiem for a Dream or Splice), while others I have embarrassed into my vast range of favorites (Pulp Fiction or The Big Labowski).

One of my biggest pet peeves as an admirer of film for me is those who knock down a movie based on its category. Just because it is a musical doesn’t mean you will hate it. You might come to find that there is a particular story that gains your interest behind the songs. Or that the humor behind the predictable love stories in chick flicks actually tickles your soul. Classics, Comedy, Rom Com, Chick Flicks, Action Movies, Horrors, all types of films that are someones favorite and someone else hates.

I’m not saying to go out there and watch every movie you were ever initially turned off by. I am saying to appreciate the value that film maker put into their films. You have a particular taste in movies that you enjoy watching. Being open-minded is important but embarrassing and sharing your love for your genera is a lot more fun. I force my Dad to watch musicals all the time. He acts like he hates them, and he always will. That is ok because every time I see a musical that I know he would appreciate the simple fact that I force him to watch it with me. And lets just say that is the only time I get to say ‘I told you so’ to my Father.

Personally, I love the blockbusting tweenie trilogies like Hunger Games. I will go to a midnight showing! My mother and I did read the Twilight Saga and dressed in our best PJ’s to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2. Hold on tight to what you love about movies and go out of your comfort zone to see what else is out there. Movies are full of stories, emotions, artistic values, and creative actions that unite its viewers. Never again be misunderstood based on your taste. Value your loyalty and the commitment to other film lovers and their genres. Every film has its flair, all are loved by someone. Don’t be ashamed of your flair.

Falling in Love with Your Own Words

P L Travers

P L Travers

As a writer you have to fall in love with your work everyday. The characters you create must have a special place in your heart. Saving Mr. Banks was a great film that expressed a writers (P. L. Travers) bond with her story. She feared putting Mary Poppins on the big screen because someone else would have altered the character, someone else would be in control of who Mary Poppins, Mr. Banks, and other characters were originally on paper. As a writer I agree with Ms. Travers. It is hard to let go of such wonderful people who you have created. Same reason that Silvester Stallone had to play Rocky. He wrote the script himself and took a major pay cut in order to play the star role. When a writer falls in love with their work, they fight to keep it as they initially intended.

Not only is it important to fall in love with your characters but your plot line and underlining message. I am an advocate for coming-to-age films like Juno. I praise Diablo Cody, writer of Juno and Showtime’s United States of Tara because she writes for the story not for the money. Juno had such a strong connection with audiences and a true connection to Cody’s personal high school experience. You can not get bored with your own ideas. As a writer you have to believe in yourself more than anyone else. The writers that write for the sake of telling a story are the writers that impact generations.

As I am currently writing my own coming-to-age film. I fall in love with ever character, plot line twist, and at times high-five myself for my creative efforts. I get excited about my visual ideas, and convicting dialog. My own brain surprises me. I have to revise my script about 100 times before I bring it to the actors. I am excited to be in the stages of development to see how others interpret my story. But with that being said I will also fight for my message. What I put into my stories are characters that do things I could never do, and in situations others experience day-to-day. I love coming-to-age films because the story behind someones personal growth is foundational to shaping who they are. People relate to that. It is like watching an underdog win every time! Something we always want to see.

For me I am a lot like P. L. Travers. Even if Disney offered to make my film, I’d pull a Stallone. My story has an intended message, and my characters are like my children. I am proud of what is to come of my writing. That is why I have always, and will continue to write, direct, and edit my own films. I do not care to be a big time director, I just want to tell other’s stories. Being completely committed to your own creativity only give flair to your film.

Inspired by a True Story

Inspiration can come in many forms. When you really look at the root cause of inspiration is boils down to a question. Our imagination explodes on the verge of answering that question. It is comical how many movies are made from being inspired by true events. We have a curiosity about how things can really be or why things happen. There is a story behind each event. The events that we are most inquisitive about are the ones that become movies.  These ‘true events’ usually are surrounded by someone who is challenging a questions or in search of an answer.  Here are 5 types of ‘inspired by a true story’ films with the root question that the film challenges.

The WOW factor – Did that really happen? So what you are telling me is he cut his own arm off? Wait a minute, he was the only Navy Seal to survive that ambush? Gangsters are real? When the extraordinary occurs we tend to tune into the news and try to gather the facts. Then we become curious and we wonder what it would be like to live in that life, be in that moment, to be pushed beyond humanistic emotion. Many great films have been flared up by the wow factor of a true story. 127 hours, Lone Survivor, Goodfellas, Erin Brockovich, and The Awakenings. If you want to be wowed in a moment of unbelievable reality. These are the movies to watch.

Moments in Sports – What is the real story behind that championship? What was going on in that athletes life when this happened? Why does Jamaica have a bob sled team? Someone walked onto an NFL team during an open tryout… and started?!? Sports inspire us all, to fight harder, to be passionate, to bound with others and establish union without team mates. Some of the best sports films are based on true stories because as an audience we can relate to the real life moment of that event and gain more of an emotional connection to the players and the inspiration behind that game. If you want to get your team pumped before a great game watch Rudy, Miracle, Invincible, Invictus, The Fighter, or even Moneyball. The morals behind sports are greater than whats just shown on the field.

Against all odds – How did they become successful? So you are telling me he was homeless with a child and is now a millionaire, how? Someone really abandoned their entire life to hitch-hike to Alaska? We love to see the underdog win. We root for the cinderella in ever story. It reminds us that there is always room to be better. IF you need to get inspired to beat the odds, or you need to just humble yourself to the reality of what success really takes in this world watch Erin Brockovich, Into the Wild, Man of Honor, The pursuit of Happyness, or The Social Network.

Truth behind the politics – How did Scotland defend their freedom from England? What really happened during Watergate? How did people fight, survive, and live during the Holocaust? History is in our DNA. We carry the past with us as we create the future. There is a story that goes deeper than the text books we read in school. Sometimes we just need to see the other perspective in the story. Or our curiosity takes over and we want to know the scandel behind the headlines. To get more in-depth on historical events that will tug on your heart and put a tear in your eye, watch Schindler’s List, Braveheart, Argo, All the President’s Men, Inglorious Bastard, Good Night and Good Luck.

Behind the Scene – How did they make that movie?  What happened in space during Apollo 13?  Why did Selena die so young? What si sit about Queen Elizabeth that makes her so famous? We might know the movie, know the star but how much do we really know? We have always been curious in the reality of movie stars to the point that now we have reality stars. When you love someones work you want to know and love their life as well. For a movie that digs deep into a celebrity or famous movie watch Apollo 13, Selena, Elizabeth, Saving Mr. Banks, Ray, or Walk the Line.


Starting with the Climax

In the early stages of film writing… actually before the film writing even begins… I day-dream about ideas and inspirations around me. I tend to think about one big moment and place a unique character in that moment. I begin imagine how that moment would play out. If it is a fight between friend, I start to think why are they fighting. If it is an escape from prison, why was he in prison? I give the moment all the details that I can think of and I rush to jot it down so I don’t forget because that moment will be the climax of my story.

Director and writer of Mirimax 2007 Gone Baby Gone, Ben Affleck

Director and writer of Mirimax 2007 Gone Baby Gone, Ben Affleck

If you watch a movie with a big twist, lets use the example of the film Gone Baby Gone, [SPOILER ALERT] The huge twist at the end of the film reveals many built up emotions to the audience that has you contemplating with the character and his girlfriend what is considered right and what is wrong in today’s world. I honestly believe that the writers started with that idea. What if this happened in real life? What side would you take? Then they shaped the whys and developed the characters. To make the climax truly explode on-screen there must be a smart and very thought out plot line. Starting with the climax gives you the ability to build the surrounding plot to continuously play into the climax. It is such a beautiful moment when your mind starts adding on moments, and storyline, and character backgrounds to intensify that one previously imagined moment.

Currently writing out the timeline for my film. I am excited to develop the characters background, flashbacks, and put the whys behind the characters decisions. I love writing coming to age films because I think it is important for young adults to find who they are and follow their hearts and heal their pasts.  I starting thinking about how I never ran away from home as a child, so why do kids run away? With that idea I created my climax for my film and decided how to build up to that moment. The climax will make or break the way an audience views your story, so make it shine and take your time putting all the surrounding pieces together to hold it up. The climax can very easily be the flair in your film just have to write the plot that gives it that spark!

Ebert to Spielberg

Movie fans have become critics. Critics have become the voice to the film maker rather than an opinion to the audience. Yet film makers are still film makers. I have myself written many reviews and thought that I could be a critic one day. The truth is I do not want to have the job to tell another artist that their film lacks flair because they broke a rule of film making. I want to understand why they made the scene they did, how they chose the actors, I want to learn about the film makers imagination to have a better understanding of the art they created.

Me, my producer, and cast at 2013 LYS Film Festival

Me, my producer, and cast at 2013 LYS Film Festival

I have myself written a few storyline and scripts. I am not an Oscar winner but I did have a film win the Best ‘E’ for Everyone short at the 2013 Love Your Shorts Film Festival in Central Florida. It was an amazing feeling having people appreciate your ideas and connect with your story. The best part was people asking the hows and they whys about your film making experience. It is a rush and a high greater than any other. Since I have written and directed my own film, I have seen different perspectives on films and what really puts the flair in them. I have been inspired by others and I read more reviews to gain a wide range of perception on the artist behind the camera.

I am going on a journey to writing a new script, and directing a new short. I am going to put a lot of emotion into this film and I want to invite you on this journey. I will begin to document on this blog where my inspirations are coming from and the how and where I am within the film making experience. If you follow the blog for reviews or fun ideas, keep on following because the ride is about to turn into a rollercoaster. Lets journey the experience together whether you are a Ebert or a Spielberg.

Top 10 Films to Watch for During Oscar Season

The moment you realize the holidays are around the corner is the moment you realize it is Oscar Season. Most of the movies that are entering theaters between August and December are usually advertising to be in the Oscar running in February. Entering the season are the top 10 films to look out for:

Foxcatcher- Directed by Bennett Miller. In theaters November 14. The film is gaining buzz on the acting standpoint, anytime you see actors go further than their comfort zone in an Oscar buzzing film you will see the possibility for the Academy recognizing their efforts. The film is based on a true story (only to bring more attention to the Academy) about the Olympic wrestler Mark Schultz and his sponsor. Starring Steve Carell, Channing Tatum, Anthony Michael Hall, Mark Rufallo.

Boyhood-  Directed by Richard Linklater. This film is most defiantly been on watch for years. Sorry Avatar but Boyhood has been in the making for 12 years, using the same actors and watching them age. The story is about a boy from age 5 to 18 years old. The film is the first of its kind and has more authentication then any film ever made. Already nabbed best Picture, Actress, and Director in Seattle’s Film Festival. ONly more to come from the star-studded cast. Starring Ethan Hawk, Ellar Coltrane, and Patricia Arquette.

The Grand Budapest HotelDirected by Wes Anderson. A film about a concierge and lobby boy who become good friends at the legendary hotel. The film is a Anderson Classic with humor and his regular cast. The film has won the Silver Berlin Bear at the Berlin Film festival. Anderson does not fall short with his witty humor or attention to detail. This is a must see for this years Oscars. Starring Ralph Fiennes, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jude Law, Edward Norton, Jason Schwartzman, and the list goes on. 

Gone Girl- Directed by David Fincher. The film is based on Gillian Flynn novel, about a mans who is the center of attention in his wifes disappearance. Fincher has directed many mind-blowing suspense films including Oscar-winning Social Network, and Emmy Winning House of Cards. This film has the attention of audiences for its twist and darkness, and has the Academy looking right at Affleck and Fincher for acting and directing. Dont let us down!  Starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, and Neil Patrick Harris

InterstellarDirected By Christopher Nolan. Batman in space. Just kidding. This film is about the experience explorers take toward a newly discovered worm hole. So it is Gravity meets Armageddon. An intense action film in space with all the wonderful actors and new film technology you could want. The film is a buzz because of its originality and having Nolan’s name on it doesn’t hurt. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain.

Mr. Turner Directed by Mike Leigh. Timothy Spall will most likely get nominated for best actor already winning Cannes Film Festival 2014 for his role as British Painter Mr. turner. Spall has played some iconic characters in such films as Harry Potter and Sweeny Todd.  Now he has his chance to express range as he reenact the life of. Leigh has been nominated 7 times for an Oscar, so maybe Mr. Turner will turn number 8 into some luck. defiantly a film on your watch list this Oscar season. Starring Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, and Dorothy Atkinson.

Unbroken- Director Angelina Jolie. The film tells the story of another Olympic star, Louis Zamperini, who in World War II was taken prisoner by the Japanese. And no one can deny that they aren’t slightly interested in seeing Jolie’s directing skills. The Film is currently in post production. the Oscar buzz is not far away with the Coen brothers having written the screen play, you can be sure to find a poetic and symbolic story line.  Starring Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, and Jai Courtney.

Big Eyes- Director Tim Burton. Amy Adams plays Margaret Keane the 1950’s painter who was famous for her painting of a eyeless girl. Burton has had many nominations and well as Adams, seven together but no wins yet. Many are excited to see the collaboration come to life. The film has not yet been released. Also starring Krysten Ritter, and Oscar Winner Christoph Waltz.

Into the Woods- Directed by Rob Marshall. A Disney musical brought to life with an Oscar-winning cast such as Johnny Depp, Anna Kendrick, Emily Blunt, and the forever queen of the Oscars  Meryl Streep. They made a movie from the depths of storytelling, a lot like ABC’s Once Upon A Time series, the film mends different fairytale plots together. The costume design, music, and directing skills will be buzzing in the next few months, Academy can you hear it?

Fault in Our Stars- Directed by Josh Boone. Shailene Woodley is certainly a top candidate for best actress this year, if not for this film it will be for White Bird in the Blizzard. This film is defiantly a fan favorite among a younger audience, as well as a buzzing feed for the Academy. Anytime a plot has a current social dilemma and love together you will see the flair, and the nominations for Oscars flowing in. This film has all the flair to be on the must watch Oscar ballet list.


Watch out for these films as they come out for rental or come to a theater near you. These are sure to have great true story line plots, intense twist, and amazing acting as they all will be in the running for February’s Oscars.

Let’s Be Cops [MOVIE REVIEW]

Let's Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops 2014

Let’s Be Cops is like that friend you have that is overly predictable, yet you love being around them. Watching this film in a semi crowded theater had the audience filling the room with honest laughter from beginning to end. It was the first time in a long time where I watch a comedy that was balanced with jokes and one liners throughout. And yes, if you like New Girl, you will love this film.

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr.  star in a film that centers around two best friends that tried to ‘make it’ in LA after college, yet had too many flaws holding themselves back. In a moment of boredom and recently discovered old age they decided to act as cops, with finding all the benefits and excitement that comes with wearing the badge. Deciding to keep it up the soon find themselves in real LAPD trouble. The experience helps them find their true calling and overcome their flaws to rekindle their friendship (what a surprise).

I have read some reviews that are not so good about this film. I was just glad it wasn’t another slapstick, or an hour and a half movie of dick jokes. There was friendly chemistry and extended scenes that were worthy of talking about on the car ride home. It is not a Lethal Weapon 5, the film carries its own humor. The plot was simple and there wasn’t a big twist or shocking ending, but it was a feel good ab cruncher. Sometimes the flair in a film is being fresh, its  not like everything else we’ve been watching. I am glad that they used Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans, this will be a starter comedy for both actors as they come into their own. That way we dont have to wait for James Franco and Seth Rogan to come out with a new comedy, and we can again have a varity in our laughter choices.

Soap in Your Soup: Part 1

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

It has been said that multi-taskers are also slackers. Seems like an oxymoron, but in actuality they are never giving their full attention to just one task. Splitting their attention to numerous jobs individually only concludes into lacking results. You can’t expect a gourmet Italian meal is the chef is stirring the sauce while simultaneously washing dishes, you’d have soap in your soup.

In film we have many types of multi-taskers, there are those who go all in on one project; yet do every job possible, people that write, direct, and star in their own films. Then you have the cross project gurus who work on multiple projects at one time. In part one of this two part multi-tasking venue the focus is directed toward those who cross over from the world of music into film. Is it more than star power that drives these multi-taskers? Or is it forced behind the scenes to sell a face in every industry possible.

The number one epic fail of film transitions for a vocal artist goes too… you guessed right, Mariah Carey!!! Glitter was rated in IMDB’s worst movies of all-time list. OUCH! Now it wasn’t all Ms. Carey’s fault, there was bad writing and directing to complement Carey’s unchaining on screen performance. Then again after years off-screen she appeared in Precious, where by surprised she shocked everyone with the depth and realistic principles she brought to her character. What a bounce back! Kudos to you Mariah! Some transition fails are not so lucky to have a comeback on screen. Sometimes the momentum of a fasted famed star can only result into a train wreck. From Justin to Kelley was the musical that was to bring competitive show contestants into multi-talented movie stars! The producers must have forgotten the multi-talented part. Kelley Clarkson was just learning how to handle her first record or how to be in the spotlight at all. While Justin Guarini was trying to hang on to whatever 15 minutes of fame he had left on his stopwatch. A disastrous summer musical was not the answer. Gladly producers Simon Fuller and John Agoglia realized or else we would be talking about From Clay to Ruban. Thankfully Kelley Clarkson never dipped into the multi-tasking world of music and film again, and that is why her rocking music is so successful.

At times we can put down one project to focus on another before returning to our original endeavors. There are many who have done well with this multi-tasking technique. Jennifer Lopez had a semi successful music career before going into film. Her motivation for success led her to soften our hearts as the Maid in Manhattan, displayed strength in Enough, and made us weep as Selena. Being so consistent in film, she again has drifted back to the music world. The film industry has open arms for the cross over star. Even though this pretty face has suffered some bad criticism, audiences love seeing Justin Timberlake on screen. His natural charm and humor sour off the screen and coat our inner NSYNC craved child. Behind a microphone on stage or on SNL, Justin has a way to make us fall in love with him over and over again.

Only if there was a hall of fame for super stars. The greatest actors to transition from music are ones some of us have forgotten about their past vocal talents because their impressions come from the amazing presentations on screen. Mark Wahlberg, once a boy band member, now an action hero super star in the third Transformers film. He has also given justice to his humorous side with TED and The Other Guys. Some people might miss Marky Mark, but others are glad he has cap sized in film. Will Smith, forever our Fresh Prince, but now will always be the man who can make anyone want to give their heart away. He humbled us in Pursit of Happyness and had us laughing in Hitch, he is an actor no doubt after watching his performance in Ali. Jennifer Hudson, Oscar winner, and will never be in someone else’s spotlight again. She can handle both music and film well, she is the pure American dream. The number one all time successful multi-tasker is Barbra Streisand with an Oscar for Best Actress in Funny Girl, and 10 Grammy Awards, no one holds a candle to this Guilt Trip gem.

There is no shame in travelling into the unknown, or pushing your talent boundaries. When you are engraved with a talent you embrace it. The lesson here is to go for it, but know there is a chance one can fail miserably and learn that you can try again later. Others might find passion in two worlds and navigate according to a true calling. Or you may never look back at what brought you to where you are and master the art of leading a multi-tasking career. Honor those who can avoid the criticism and hardship of getting soap in their soup.