The Interview about The Interview

As we all know The Interview has been yanked! Pulled! Put on the shelf! The film seemed to have a very captivating story line. No boy meets girl crap, more like B list celebrities killing a dictator. Who else could pull off such a comedy other than two freaks and geeks. (see what I did there) To no surprise the film was just to close to home for America and North Korea. I don’t blame Sony at all for not releasing the film in theaters. Why not just do another Pineapple Express! That movie had a lot of comedic flair, where as The Interview seemed to have too much flair… (don don tushhh). As we sit back and watch the media blow this situation way out of proportion I say lets hear it from the horse’s mouth or settle for Rogan and Franco’s mouths.

When I was a freshman in high school there was a senior that stood out in my drama class. How dis he stand out you ask? Well one he was hilarious but two I had a class with a senior. As long as we have been Facebook friend I have seen him do videos, live shows, and even was in the film Rock of Ages. You can say our small home town is pretty proud of him. I encourage all of you to check him out! Shane Harline  or Wooden Steel Productions!

We all can have a love for film but it is even cooler to share it with someone who lives it!

About Sam Whitmore

Originally from Massachusetts, I moved to Florida when I was younger. Now living in Lakeland, Fl I am 25 years old, and a Communication Arts major. I am also an award winning film director. My short film 'Sincerely Kati' won Best E for Everyone film in Love Your Shorts Festival in 2013. I love my 4 year old dog Emma Rose, she is a Fox Hound/Pointer mix. I spend my week days working as an administrator and weekends with my family in Lake Wales, FL. I have been blogging since college, and with a recent shift in my career path have decided to dive back into the webstories and share my thought to an audience. I am a story teller, and my favorite ways to express a great story is through a great movie.

Posted on December 18, 2014, in Coming Soon, movie thoughts, Now Playing and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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