Writers Block [The Struggle]

What to do when hunting down your next idea for a film. It is a journey, an exciting and disappointing journey to explore who you are and what limits you have when conducting a new plot line, climax and resolution for your story. One thing that is true is your heart has to be in the idea in order for you to write about it. Coming up with the passionate idea isn’t the writers block, no, that comes once you have the idea brewing and then you go to spit it out on paper and BLahhhh… comes out.

Yes I hate to admit but it is the art of the processes, I currently have writers block. The funny thing is that I have no problem writing about my writers block. If you have ever been in this situation you know that writer’s block is nothing but a piece of the puzzle missing. The reason I haven’t updated you about where I am with my project (supposed to start filming this summer!) is because of my missing puzzle piece. I know the characters I want I know the plot line, but my foundation of the characters roots are not planted, and the ending is not satisfying to me. If I can just connect the roots to the end I will have the story I am looking for.

The worst part is knowing. I know what I want out of the story and what I want my audience to get from watching it. Pre production is the hardest and longest part of the film process and I have to get out of this two month block! I have even went to locations to hunt down where I want to film the majority of my film. The best thing to do to get rid of your writers block is to have that light bulb moment. We see it on TV all the time. S person stuck on a project, and then they hear something that is irrelevant to their project but it just hit the switch! Well how does a writer get that moment? Research. The more research you do on the subject the more you will learn about others perspectives, you are taking yourself out of the center of it all and letting others look at your gaping hole with their reality. Since my film is about two 15-year-old girls, I am talking a lot with my cousins friends and asking them questions that could give me that light bulb moment.

When you have writers block, you can write about it (like me) or you can do a little side work. Take yourself away from the guilt of a blank page and find the story. The journey or experience is what matters, not the results. Yes the struggle is real, you can be as passionate as you can about your film but writers block doesn’t care. Don’t be afraid to walk away for a moment or let others in. More inspiration can only lead to words on a page.

About Sam Whitmore

Originally from Massachusetts, I moved to Florida when I was younger. Now living in Lakeland, Fl I am 25 years old, and a Communication Arts major. I am also an award winning film director. My short film 'Sincerely Kati' won Best E for Everyone film in Love Your Shorts Festival in 2013. I love my 4 year old dog Emma Rose, she is a Fox Hound/Pointer mix. I spend my week days working as an administrator and weekends with my family in Lake Wales, FL. I have been blogging since college, and with a recent shift in my career path have decided to dive back into the webstories and share my thought to an audience. I am a story teller, and my favorite ways to express a great story is through a great movie.

Posted on December 17, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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